
去除iPhone icon的光晕效果

发表于 2012-03-03 13:23 | 1458次阅读 0次点赞   IOS开发



用文本编辑工具打开info.plist, 在键值区域添加如下字段:

<key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key> <true/>保存即可。



Remove Shine / Gloss Effect on iPhone Icon 

By default, when building an application with Xcode, your icon will have a round beveling of the corners and a shine added over the top of the icon. The icon below shows how this looks:

You can override this default by following line to you to the Info.plist file. For example, if you prefer to edit Info.plist as a source file, add the following line:

<key>UIPrerenderedIcon</key> <true/>

If you are editing Info.plist as an XML file (in Xcode) you can add an entry that looks as follows:

Depending on your configuration and version of Xcode, the option in the Info.plist file may looks as follows:

With the pre-rendered icon set to true, the icon shown above will now look like this:

This preference setting only applies to removing of the shine / glossy effect, the corners of your icon will still be rounded for you.

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