
Code Sign error: Certificate identity '...' appears more than once in the keychain. 解决方法

发表于 2013-04-01 15:24 | 2274次阅读 0次点赞   IOS开发


Code Sign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Distribution: ...' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one.


1. 打开 “Keychain” 的查看 “显示已过期证书”

2. 再从证书列表里把已过期的“iPhone Distribution:....”删除掉。

3. 再打包一切正常。


This error indicates that while searching all keychains, Xcode found more than one signing certificate for the same iOS developer program team member, and it does not know which one to use for code signing.

To resolve the problem, use the following process to ensure that there is only one copy of each certificate type: "iPhone Developer" or "iPhone Distribution" within the entire keychain, for the same team member.

In Keychain Access, make sure your "View" menu > Show Expired Certificates option is turned ON
Click the "Certificates" 'Category' and then click through every one of the keychains you have listed in your 'Keychain' sidebar in Keychain Access. If you see any duplicates, even expired certificates, delete those duplicates.
Click the "Keys" 'Category' in Keychain Access.
Navigate through every keychain looking for and deleting any "Orphaned Keys" that have the same Common Name as the affected certificate. Orphaned keys are ones that are not bound by a Disclosure Triangle to an iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution certificate that currently exists in the keychain.
If you found and removed any extra keys or certificates, please reattempt your build.
If the issue persists after removing all active or expired duplicate certificates or keys by the same common name, you might try removing *all* existing signing certificates and keys and replace them with new ones using the steps in How do I delete/revoke my certificates and start over fresh?.
Finally, if the error persists even after creating new certificates, please control-click on the affected certificate in Keychain Access, choose "New Identity Preference" and click the 'Certificate' field. If you see duplicate certificates listed in here, this is an known and uncommon issue with Keychain Access. To work around the problem, try the following:
Export your developer profile using the process in Transferring Your Identities.
Create a new OS X User Account, install Xcode for the new user and import the developer profile created in the previous step.

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