Mac OS X中MacPorts安装和使用
发表于 2012-08-14 10:45    






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Installing MacPorts
发表于 2012-08-14 10:23    

MacPorts version 2.1.2 is available in various formats for download and installation (note, if you are upgrading your Mac OS X to a new major release, see the migration info page)

“pkg” installers for Mountain LionLion and Snow Leopard, for use with the Mac OS X Installer. This is the simplest installation procedure that most users should follow after meeting the requirements listed below. Installer for legacy platform Leopard also available.In source form as either a tar.bz2 package or a tar.gz one for manual compilation, if you intend to customize your installation in any way.SVN checkout of the unpackaged sources, if you wish to follow MacPorts development.The selfupdate target of the port(1) command, for users who already have MacPorts installed and wish to upgrade to a newer release.
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